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Amazing Testimonies
Check these wonderful testimonies.
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Jesus is the Healer
That’s because Jesus is the healer. Rafi is a man. He can say this or that and hope it will happen. But GOD says that when His Word is preached He will do signs and wonders to confirm it. THAT is something Rafi KNOWS is true, and why he asks people if at all possible, to come to the meetings, and not depend on him for their healing.
Even so, when situations truly prevent people from attending the meetings, over and over we see God heal through Rafi’s prayers. “The prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
It is not some long prayer he does.
He commands or speaks and it happens. It is a God-given authority and gift.

Amazing Testimonies
God Wants You Well and WHOLE! He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever!
Many wonderful healing miracles that the good Lord has graciously done through the healing ministry of Dr. Rafi and the team go unreported and unphotographed. Below is a sampling of healing testimonies that people have shared with us over the years.
We do not have physicians traveling with us to comment on the medical accuracy of the reports.
Jesus is the Healer
Do you need prayer for healing?
Healing is worth more than money can buy: A woman once told Pastor Ron, “I’d pay a million dollars for the healing I received tonight.” Who can put a price on healing? It is more valuable than rubies and gold. Contact Us!