Oct. 28, 2010
I realized I was having difficulty with my eyes so decided to go see my optometrist. On examining them, she told me that I had cataracts in both eyes and that I would have to have surgery in less than a year. She is a very good one, so I had no doubt about her diagnosis! I asked the Cohens, Dr. Ron and Dr. Carol to believe God with me for a miracle and that’s exactly what I got! When I returned to my eye doctor for another examination, she was very taken back by surprise and said that my eyes are GOOD and asked me ‘What happened ?’ Well, II was elated to tell her that God did it! I have never been so blessed being under any other ministry as this one, Healing for the Nations! Since coming under their covering, I have been experiencing much ‘PEACE’ from the Lord among many other things! I am going to ask my husband to write the next testimony about the company he works for, getting heaps and heaps of work in the last few months! It has been amazing! I have heard other Christians questioning the authenticity of covering in the last few years, but there is NO doubt in my mind as to the effectiveness of this one that my husband and I have been under for the last year! We are also very BLESSED to be connected to them because of their ties to Israel! Praise be to the God of Hosts!
– Elizabeth Neves
Alberta CANADA
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