Apr. 2010
During a meeting in Darlington, South Carolina:
A man in his mid-40s was slumped over and appeared to be sleeping during the service as Ron preached. After the meeting Ron asked him if he would like prayer. When the gentleman stood up he was hunched over and his left side drooped down. He walked with a big limp. He said that he had not been asleep, but he was in so much pain that he was going in and out of consciousness, even though he was on pain medication.
He reported that he had just had a tumor removed from his left adrenal gland. To do the operation, the surgeons removed a left rib to get in. He also said he had recently crushed his right foot in an accident, breaking bones in the foot. Ron noticed his left arm looked much shorter than the right arm because of the rib and shoulders. After prayer, the arm came out, the shoulders straightened out, the pain left the upper part of the man’s body, and he could immediately raise his arms straight up.
Then Ron prayed for healing for his legs. His right leg looked much shorter than the left and it was very painful to the touch. After prayer, the man’s short leg came out, his foot seemed to adjust and get healed, the pain in the lower back went away, and his spine straightened out.
He immediately stood up and was able to briskly walk around the room. Everyone who knew him was astonished, and many began weeping and praising God, especially his immediate family. He could touch his toes, which he hadn’t done for a long time, and walk without a limp with shoulders straight and level and his head back. Then he was able to run around the room.
At that point many people in the room rushed forward for prayer for cancer, diabetes, thyroid conditions, heart conditions, etc., and many reported they received and believe they were healed by God also.
More testimonies from the same meeting:
The Lord healed sciatica and foot pain, neck pain and headaches are gone.
– Susan Reed
Praise God for the healing of my back.
– Miriam Spell
Thank you, God. I felt your power and your blessing, Oh Lord. My foot and hand – my side feels new.
– Dennie Ray Hill, Sr.
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